Why Volunteering Makes me Happy?

The Week of Service at Chicano Park Oct 16-20


Service Week, Oct. 16-20, 2017.

The week of service at City College is the busiest week thus far for students, faculty, and alumni. They can volunteer to serve their downtown community by cleaning the cultural Chicano Park and feeding those in need at Father Joe’s Village. I take time from my schedule every October to be part of an amazing week of service.

On Tuesday, Oct. 17, I commuted to Chicano Park, met with six different colleagues from school and began signing our liability forms to volunteer.  The Dean of Student affairs, Marciano Perez and the supervisor of students services, Lori Oldham greeted us all with water and  gloves to start our day. We spread out around the park with different duties to create a safe environment by raking leaves, picking-up trash, and removing trash bags for reusable disposables.

I have been volunteering for the week of service for two years now at City College. For me, being able to help communities in the downtown area is exciting and rewarding because it’s where most students attend school. I enjoy seeing and hearing locals thanking us for our service to clean the environment and most importantly their neighborhoods.

When I started raking the leaves near the laundromat across from the Northgate Store, I could see how many homeless people gathered around this cultured area, not causing any trouble or damage, some even wanted to assist. It makes me happy to see the change we as students are creating my volunteering our times and efforts.

On Wednesday, Oct. 18. City College students and alumni gathered for the morning shift from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.  and the afternoon shift from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. to help feed the needy around Father Joe’s Village in downtown San Diego.

Father Joe’s mission statement is to “support thousands of people in San Diego to overcome homelessness… where you can donate, volunteer, and to provide meals, housing, healthcare and counseling” That’s exactly why City College students come – to volunteer their help. That’s exactly what I came to do, to serve and prepare meals for the less fortunate and create smiles for the day.

Volunteering makes me happy because it’s an understanding the desire to learn new things and acquire knowledge along the way. My self-esteem arises, making me feel better about myself and finding greater stability in life on not expecting anything from helping others with good deeds. I believe it helps with personal development as well because I always leave my volunteer site with new skills and communication skills with the public in my community.